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  • 執筆者の写真skyurikochan

With Melbourne Tram

My home city of Hiroshima and Melbourne have one thing in common: they both run trams. Before the war, trams were also running in the main cities of Hiroshima Prefecture, but nowadays trams run from Hiroshima Station to the Miyajima area.

Unfortunately, I didn't capture the scenery with the trams in my hometown Hiroshima with my camera.

It's too hard to travel within Australia because of the pandemic, and it's too hard to travel overseas. I also have a school now, and once I get my diploma, I want to go back to Japan and catch up with my family and friends.

The trams I use to get from Melbourne train station to school use newer vehicles. The trams in Hiroshima City also use vehicles that have been running since before the war, and the conductor is in charge of changing the cars.

Melbourne's trams seem to run in straight lines more often. Hiroshima trams are interesting because they also have curves. But I think it's beautiful to see a tram going up a hill.



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