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  • 執筆者の写真skyurikochan

I didn't forget about it.

The blog was neglected for about two months after the second semester started.

I am not very good at Photoshop, there is no subtlety in using this app. I can agree that this is how it works and it is very clear that we need to use this to our advantage. If they were a little younger and had softer brains, they could have done somewhat as well as their classmates. No matter how many reasons I give, they are just my excuses and complaints.

During the school year, I practiced independently at home every day, without the energy to blog to learn how to edit photos. I'm really glad I'm a part-time student this year. Next year I'll be back full time, but will I be able to keep up with the classes? I am in my approximately 50s. I want to pat myself on the back for doing so well amongst the younger generation.

I'm on a mid-semester break at the moment and I had a bit of time off so I went to a nearby tourist attraction and took some photos. I have to return to the original site tomorrow... I edited the photos I took using the photo editing techniques I learnt this semester. I still feel like an amateur.



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